• 'Amazonia' in Concert
  • 'Amazonia' in Concert
  • 'Amazonia' in Concert
  • 'Amazonia' in Concert
  • 'Amazonia' in Concert




Two Brazilian artists pay tribute to Villa-Lobos and the Amazon rainforest

Sebastião Salgado is a world-renowned photographer who has been working since the 1990s to protect and restore the Atlantic forest and water resources of the Rio Doce valley in Brazil. The Italian-Brazilian conductor Simone Menezes is passionate about the Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos and his symphonic poem Floresta do Amazonas , for which she created a suite for large orchestra and soprano.

Together they travel the world to present an exhibition of Salgado's photographs, combined with concerts conducted by Simone in which the photographs are projected, the photographer having associated each musical phrase with one of his images...

The music of this monumental project has been recorded with the Philharmonia Zürich and soprano Camila Provenzale.


Heitor Villa-Lobos: 'Prelude' from Bachianas Brasileiras 4 Heitor Villa-Lobos: 'Floresta do Amazonas' Philip Glass: 'Metamorphosis' from Aguas da Amazonia

Creative Team

Sebastião Salgado - photographer Simone Menezes - artistic director & conductor


  • Amazonia

    Villa-Lobos: Prelude from Bachianas Brasileiras 4 (8') Philip Glass: Metarmophosis from "Amazon Waters” (13') Villa-Lobos: Suite Floresta do Amazonas (43')